1. Details of Institution
Type of the InstitutionSelf Financing Institution
CategoryNon-Minority Co-Education
Address of the InstitutionK.R. Nagar Post., Kovilpatti 628 503
Phone No04632 – 222506
Office Hours09.00 am – 05.30 pm
Academic Hours09.10 am – 05.15 pm
Nearest Railway StationKovilpatti
Nearest AirportThoothukudi & Madurai
2. Trust Information
Name and Address of the TrustLakshmi Ammal Educational & Charitable Trust
Phone No04632-222510,248882
3. Name of the PrincipalProf. A. Rajeswaran
Address of the Principal9 - 1G, Thirumangai Nagar 2nd Street,
Pasuvanthanai Road, Kovilpatti.
Mobile No9443261506
4. Name of the Affiliating BodyDirectorate of Technical Education, Chennai


The Following Committees are formed for the Redressal of Grievances.

Anti-Ragging Committee

According to the provision of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) norms, the Principal has formed an Anti-Ragging Squad during academic year 2021-2022.

List of Members of Anti-Ragging Committee :
Sl. No.Name of the Faculty / MembersProfessionPosition
1Prof. A. RajeswaranPrincipalChairman
2Mr. B. SankaranarayananHOD / CivilMember
3Mr. G. MurugesanHOD i/c / EEEMember
4Mr. R. MarichamyResidential WardenMember
5Mrs. R. VeerajothiLecturer / AutoMember
6Ms. Siluvai AnthonySub InspectorMember
7Mrs. S. AmuthaThasildarMember
8Mr. D. KalirajParent RepresentativeMember
9Selvan. R. Veerandira SaranStudents RepresentativeMember
10Selvan R. SuthakarStudents RepresentativeMember
11Selvan P. Ragul JegadeeshStudent RepresentativeMember
12Selvan S. KathiravanStudent RepresentativeMember
13Selvan J. SathishkumarStudent RepresentativeMember
14Selvan. S. VigneshwarStudent RepresentativeMember
15Mr. S. AnadarajRepresentative of Non- Teaching StaffMember
Anti-Ragging Committee Squad Members:
Sl. No.Name of the Faculty / MembersProfessionPosition
1Prof. A. RajeswaranPrincipalChairman
2Mr. S. GanesanSr.Lecturer / MathsMember
3Mr. P. SudalaikkannuSr.Lecturer / MechMember
4Mr. L. PremkumarSr.Lecturer / EEEMember
5Mr. P. MuthukumarLecturer / ECEMember
6Dr. R. SivarajPhysical DirectorMember
7Mr. S. JagadesanLecturer / CivilMember
8Mr. A. SathiyaseelanLecturer / AutoMember
9Mrs. G. LingammalLecturer / ChemistryMember
10Mr. ARJ VenkatesanNon-Teaching StaffMember
Internal Compliant Committee (ICC) (Womens Grievance Redressal Committee)

Internal Compliant Committee (ICC) of Women Grievance Redressal Cell (WGRC)  is functioning commendably in the college in order to keep the healthy working atmosphere among the faculty members. This cell helps women faculty and students to register their complaints and solve their problems related to resources and personal grievances. Woman Harassment complaints will be handled as per government guidelines.

S. NoName of the Faculty / MembersProfessionDesignation in Committe
1Mrs.Geetha mala JPresiding OfficerLecturer / English
2Mr.Sampath Kumar S VNGO MemberLawyer
3Mr. Ambujarajan AMemberSr. Lecturer / Chemistry
4Mr. Premkumar LMemberSr. Lecturer / EEE
5Mrs. Srividhya SMemberLecturer / Civil
6Mrs. Veni SMemberAsst./ Office
7Miss. Banumathi KMemberTech. / ECE
8Miss. Jeyalakshmi NStudent MemberIII Year ECE
9Miss. Menaga AStudent MemberIII Year ECE
10Miss. Aswini R Student MemberII Year Civil
11Miss. Yamini GStudent MemberII Year Civil
SC/ST Committee Members
S. NoName of the Faculty / MembersProfessionDesignation in Committe
1Prof. A. RajeswaranPrincipalChairman
2Mrs. K. ManonmaniDOTE RepresentativeDOTE Representative
3Mr. G. MurugesanSr.Lecturer / EEEMember
4Mr. S. GanesanSr.Lecturer / EEEMember
5Mr. P. MuthukumarLecturer / ECEMember
6Mrs. P. MahalakshmiLecturer / CivilMember
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
S. NoName of the Faculty / MembersProfessionDesignation in Committe
1Prof. A. RajeswaranPrincipalChairman
2Mr.V. ArumugamHOD / S&HMember
3Mr. B. SankaranarayananHOD / CivilMember
4Mr. R. Raja Mani HOD / ECEMember
5Mr. G. MurugesanHOD in-charge / EEEMember
6Mr. V. PaulduraiHOD in-charge / MechanicalMember
7Mr. R.KirubakaranHOD In-charge / AutomobileMember
Grievance Redressal Mechanism for Faculty, Staff and Students
S. NoName of the Faculty / MembersProfessionDesignation in Committe
1Prof. A. RajeswaranPrincipalChairman
2Mr.V. ArumugamHOD / S&HMember
3Mr. B. SankaranarayananHOD / CivilMember
4Mrs. G. LingammalLecturer / ChemistryMember
5Selvan. A. SornamuruganStudent RepresentativeMember
Anti-Drug Clubs
S. NoName of the Faculty / MembersProfessionDesignation in Committe
1P. Muthu KumarFacultyCo-ordinator
2S. ManojStudentRepresentatives
3K. Santhoshe KumarStudentRepresentatives
4C. KarthikeyanStudentRepresentatives
5S. Arul KumarStudentRepresentatives